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How to cheat google adsense without google adsense know about it

Face it. You come to this article probably thinking to find some ways to cheat Google, or to confirm whether some method you have on mind will work. Well, if you want to know how to cheat AdSense, here are the ways, focusing on the AdSense click-frauds. These covers from basic AdSense cheating techniques to the advanced class.

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Tips on diagnosing problems with your websites

When you diagnose a problem with your website, first make sure you actually have a real problem. The most obvious indication of a problem is a traffic drop. But before you start making modifications and wasting a lot of precious time, look at your analytics to confirm that you have a real problem.

If you do have a real issue, Vanessa Fox suggests that you benchmark. Look at the top ten queries that give you the most traffic and find out what pages rank for them and what the position is. By doing this, you can better determine where the problem is.

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SEO Indexing crawlability website evaluating

When you are evaluating your website from an SEO/Indexing/Crawlability perspective there are a few things to keep in mind and some important questions you may not be asking yourself. What questions are you asking yourself? Share with WebProNews readers.

I managed to catch up with Vanessa Fox at the SMX Advanced show in Seattle last week. We talked at length about some of the things you need to keep in mind in terms of assessing the search viability/index status of a website. You can watch the video obviously to get the entire scoop, but I thought I might bullet point some of the more important topics in a separate article.

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Twitter Pages Search Roll out

Having had Twitter search readily available from my Twitter home page for some time now, I had forgotten that this feature was not available to everyone yet. Sure, the feature was always available if you could find it, but having it right in the right-hand navigation column makes it that much more accessible.

Twitter SearchAccording to a post on the official Twitter Blog, the feature is in fact there for everyone now. In the post, co-founder Biz Stone discusses the importance of the feature.

“With this newly launched feature, Twitter has become something unexpectedly important—a discovery engine for finding out what is happening right now,” he says. “Twitter teaches us new and amazing things every day and a big lesson learned is that search is so much more than a box and a button. As public tweets fly in from around the globe, we analyze them to detect when certain words or phrases occur with higher frequency.”